This was my first time visiting Shelburne Farms and let me tell you, it did not disappoint! If you're looking to elope in Vermont, a Shelburne Farms elopement might be the perfect choice. This property has such a wide variety in its gorgeous scenery, including stunning views of Lake Champlain, pastoral fields complete with sheep, walking paths and quiet wooded roads. I can't wait to photograph more couples there in the future!
Shelburne Farms was founded in 1886 by Dr. William Seward and Lila Vanderbilt Webb and began as a model agricultural estate. It is now a 1400 acre National Historic Landmark, and operates as an educational nonprofit promoting sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. Read more about it's long and interesting history here!
Elissa & Dylan chose to have their intimate celebration at the Inn overlooking the lake with their closest family in attendence. The weather was perfect, warm and sunny (which isn't always the case for Vermont in early summer). As soon as I got there and met them both in person it was like spending time with old friends, which is always the best feeling. From their private first look (that they decided to have completely private, no photos) to their private golden hour dinner with their family on a picturesque covered porch, the entire day was nothing short of magical!